Be Skin Savvy #21 – Ex”spa”rience – There is an expression in France ‘etre bien dans sa peau’ – to feel good in ones skin. Because, self-confidence, after all, is the root of all beauty. Then of course comes our skin, with all its glorious imperfections. Light, dark, freckled, rough, dry, oily and of course, wrinkled. Our skin, the heaviest organ, protecting our inner organs, eleminating waste and regulating temperature. Our skin that loves water and moisture, creams and lot…ions to maintain its is softness and suppleness. On a recent trip I vistited a spa. I indulged in the luxurious art of bathing in a warm salt water pool, and steamed in a fragrant tiled room. I stretched out on cedar benches in the sauna and was gently masssaged by bubbles in a hot tub, followed by a splash of icy cold water to invigorate the circulation and stimulate the flow of lymph. As a beauty ritual, bathing can easily be enjoyed at home, toss in a handful of epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil, light a candle and step gently into your bathtub. Close your eyes and enjoy the warmth of the water relaxing your muscles and washing away daily stress. Inhale the fragrant oils and enjoy the ancient ritual of bathing. Make bathing part of your 2017 beauty routine 🙂