Be Skin Savvy #23 – ‘My Rusty Reiki’……….With so many giving up their guilty pleasures for lent I felt it might be nice to substitute those vices with something positive. A little Reiki. Many years ago I studied Reiki and practiced it regularly – on myself, on others and when I taught. Reiki, an ancient art of touch therapy, helps to recharge, realign and rebalance energy fields. The teachings of Reiki are quite simple, in its most basic form it is the use of positive energy to help the body self heal emotionally and physically.
As all of us tread through life, some of what we once learnt and practiced becomes either a greater passion or one of our lost arts. For me, my Reiki became rusty, that was until very recently, and when it was needed the most. A friend of mine is ill, she is struggling with her health, her battle is long and hard and she is emotionally worn. I try to visit weekly and massage her hands and feet, her arms and legs, the power of touch is amazing, I see it in her face, and then I practice Reiki (my very rusty Reiki) in hopes that positive energy coursing through her body will not only help it to heal but give her added strength on her journey.
Consider adding Reiki to any of the facial treatments I offer. It will induce a sense of calm and wellbeing, and a wonderful way to add a non-invasive form of touch therapy.